Vagelis Papakonstantinou has been appointed a member of the law-making committee drafting the GDPR (and the Police and Criminal Justice Data Protection Directive) implementation law in Greece. The law-making committee, established under the Greek Ministry of Justice, has been in session since 2016 but has not been able to produce a final legislative act yet, although public consultation has already taken place on a previous draft. Under its current mandate the committee needs to conclude all relevant works until end of February 2019.
New paper, The right to data portability in the GDPR: Towards user-centric interoperability of digital services
Vagelis Papakonstantinou new paper with Paul de Hert, Gianclaudio Malgieri, Laurent Beslay and Ignacio Sanchez on “The Right to Data Portability in the GDPR: Towards user-centric Interoperability of Digital Services” to be published in the Computer Law & Security Review, has been pre-published online. Our paper is open access, thanks to a generous grant by EU Commission’s Joint Research Centre.
Αρχή Προστασίας Δεδομένων Προσωπικού Χαρακτήρα – Hellenic Data Protection Authority (alternate member)
Ο Βαγγέλης Παπακωνσταντίνου, εταίρος της MPlegal, διορίστηκε αναπληρωματικό Μέλος της Αρχής Προστασίας Δεδομένων Προσωπικού Χαρακτήρα.
New post in IAPP Privacy Perspectives: Why the UN should be the world’s lead privacy agency
New blog post by Vagelis Papakonstantinou and Paul de Hert in IAPP’s Privacy Perspectives on the need to establish a new specialised UN agency for the protection of data privacy globally.
New study for the LIBE Committee (European Parliament)
Vagelis Papakonstantinou and Paul de Hert prepared a study for the European Parliament LIBE Committee on “The data protection regime applying to the inter-agency cooperation and future architecture of the EU criminal justice and law enforcement area“.