Vagelis Papakonstantinou has been appointed a member of the law-making committee drafting the GDPR (and the Police and Criminal Justice Data Protection Directive) implementation law in Greece. The law-making committee, established under the Greek Ministry of Justice, has been in session since 2016 but has not been able to produce a final legislative act yet, although public consultation has already taken place on a previous draft. Under its current mandate the committee needs to conclude all relevant works until end of February 2019.
MPlegal opens new office in Brussels
MPlegal is pleased to announce that it has opened up a new office in Brussels, Belgium. Through its presence in the capital of Europe MPlegal intends to provide more comprehensive services to its international clients, while staying close to EU law developments particularly in the fields of personal data protection and intellectual property rights protection. Its office is also expected to be active in applied research projects in related fields.